Many people think that getting high is the key to relieving stress, but if you’re one of these individuals, you’re going about it all wrong. You may be breaking free from your life-damaging thoughts and feelings by consuming weed, but your body may not be too happy about it: weed can cause anxiety and addiction. If your smoking isn’t doing the trick, then maybe it’s time for a detox. Learn how to detox from weed for your benefit.

When you smoke weed, the THC attaches to fat cells and stays there longer than if you didn’t. So instead of releasing soon after catalyzing the brain, cannabis can stay in your body for days, weeks, and even months. You will start to feel more pain and other harsh side effects like chronic headaches during that time frame. You may also have a slowed metabolism due to weed making your body retain more water weight than necessary.

To get these toxins out of your system, you will need some help from the outside world. Every day, weed stays in the body and does more harm than good. A juice cleanses the best way to get rid of weed toxins. Cleanse, a detox process that is all about slowly eating more healthy foods and drinking fresh juices will help eliminate weed toxins. You also need to put some time into supplementing your diet with lots of green leafy vegetables and eating excessive amounts of food while on the drug.

thc detox

The first step towards a healthy lifestyle after smoking weed is stopping it altogether. If you have reason to believe that you have become addicted to marijuana, then, by all means, make an appointment with your local drug rehab center. It’s no easy feat to kick your weed habit, but you can do it. The best thing about it is that a healthier lifestyle will carry on once you kick the habit.

To help your body detox from smoking weed, combine a juice cleanse with supplements and go for daily walks or short runs. This will help flush out your system of toxins and give yourself a much-needed break from stress and pain.


If you’re a chronic marijuana user, then you should know that hundreds of growers make thousands of different strains on the market. Some are stronger than others, but others are more sedating. If you’re looking for a good strain of cannabis that will help relieve pain, stress, or tension, then you will have no problem finding out which one is best for your needs.