Unlicensed car owners can be divided into two camps: one that feels they don’t need to insure their car owing to an absence of license, and the other that wants to get it insured but worry they’d be denied. However, given the many benefits of comprehensive car insurance, neither complacency nor worry is an ideal approach. License or no-license, you should get your car insured to protect it from various man-made and natural calamities, and in case you haven’t figured it out already, car insurance for unlicensed driver is not just available but imperative, under the following cases –

  • You can’t drive yourself around

Be it a disability, age, or some other reason, if you own a car, don’t drive it yourself, but have a third-party drive you around; you need to get it insured. Not only that, if that third party is someone who uses your car on a regular basis, you need to get them insured too.

  • Your car is a vintage classic or a collectible

Now, this may sound absurd – get a car insured that nobody would even drive? Yes! Mainly because it’s a collector’s item valuable enough to be looted by the next prying eye. Your car is no ordinary car, so don’t treat it like one! Get classic car insurance and protect it against theft or damages that may occur despite secure storage.

Car Insurance

  • Your car is to be driven by someone with a learner’s permit

Say your child or some other minor is about to get behind the wheels; in such a case, it is you who needs to get the car insured since minors cannot enter into legally binding contracts. It doesn’t matter whether you’d be driving the car yourself or not; getting auto insurance becomes a must.

  • You’re new to the driving game

If you’re a novice driver yourself, it goes without saying that you’d need a driver’s license to stay active on the road. However, you might need to show proof of insurance coverage in order to be eligible for a driver’s license.

Now coming to the ‘how’ part – do note that being a car owner without a driving license does make you a high-risk customer in the eyes of an insurance company. Thankfully, there are (though select few) those that offer car insurance for unlicensed driver, provided you disclose your identity as an excluded driver. You will need to research extensively and discuss with companies upfront on their policy for unlicensed drivers. If you haven’t already, ask your family members to drive the car or hire a driver to drive it regularly.